Towards African Digital Revolution
Africa is a nurturing continent for digital. Several initiatives have emerged from public, private sector and communities to build an inclusive digital economy.
But, what are the concrete outcomes and benefits? In fact, there is a lack of tools to evaluate all investments, outcomes and to assess the digital readiness and digital dividend. To this extent, this workshop aims:
– To define the key indicators that will help to evaluate African economies progress towards African Digital Revolution
– To release the African Digital Revolution index (ADR Index)
– To release the ranking of African Digital Game Changers
– To expose strategic and tactics to achieve Digital Revolution in Africa
“African Digital Revolution index (ADR Index)” | ” African Digital Game Changers”
Our workshop aims to set the floor for discussion, share some best practice’s and open discussion on building a successful Era of Digital for Economic Development and Inclusion
This session will be interactive. You are kindly requested to share your opinion on our website:
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